Around the world, millions of women, children, and men are victims of human trafficking.
It is easy to let this staggering statistic paralyze us from taking action. What sort of action can we take to affect any change? How can we be involved in the abolitionist movement in our communities? There are many answers to these questions, and I participated in one answer on Saturday morning at the Free Them 5k.
World Concern sponsored this community walk to generate awareness and funds for the many anti-trafficking companies that the organization runs. The result? Over 800 walkers/runners, $70,000, and a whole lot of participation in the anti-trafficking movement.
In speaking with a World Concern staff member last week, I realized the importance of creating and participating in venues that allow people to feel a part of the solution. Not everyone will (or should) go to Italy to work with victims of trafficking, not everyone will visit their state representative to advocate for anti-trafficking initiatives, not everyone will donate large sums of money to anti-trafficking causes - but everyone can go for a walk (run/wheel/name your mode of transportation!) on a Saturday morning in support of anti-trafficking efforts.
Make sure to check out the 3rd annual Free Them 5k in 2011!
Some of the crew:
Caitlin and Ryan demonstrating that you can roll in support of anti-trafficking efforts (though they both made a running debut during the walk!)
Anna shows that you're never too young to support the cause!
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